Monday, June 29, 2009


hi. i wish i was the type of person who didn't need acceptance from everyone. i wish i didn't spend most of my time trying to figure out who i am and what my place in this world is. i just want to be able to be me. live each day for what it is and not worry about what the future holds. the present moment is such an amazing thing. there's nothing else like it and it's the only real thing in this world that is perpetually changing and infinite. i don't want my life to be determined by someone else's view on things. i want to be able to express how i feel without fear of judgment.
maybe it's okay to not be constantly worried about searching for ourselves. maybe we just do our best and through helping others, we find out who we are. maybe it's okay to sometimes let all your feelings and emotions go, and just dive into what's happening around us. and maybe it's okay to not have the right words all the time. maybe the right thing to say isn't always said through words, but through actions and thoughts.


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